4:29 am, December 22, 2013
I believe this has to do with the slow development of Scrolls. It's a small team, so improvements don't arrive quickly. I also wish the matches were somewhat quicker. And Mojang is working on it.I kno [..]
4:29 am, December 17, 2013
How about we balanced the cards and rarity for the New and improved Judgement?Statistics: Posted by flamerage Today, 02:37
4:29 pm, December 9, 2013
WheresMikey wrote:The way we sac a card for resources or 2 more cards refreshes our hands so well. I don't know what kind of mulligan could improve on that.What are specific ways a mulligan can compli [..]
4:29 am, December 7, 2013
I love this game to *****, and I love the potential of where it's going. But why is there only 300 people at most on at one time? If this is as great of a game as we and the Dev's know it is and can [..]
4:29 am, December 6, 2013
players aren't good enough to iterate on a deck when matches take a long timewith so much luck in the game and so few players (= suboptimal matchmaking), you need to spend way too much time playing ma [..]
4:29 pm, November 23, 2013
I couldn't find a suitable topic to put it in, so here is the changelog:Changes in version 0.110.5 beta (2013-11-21):Bugfixes: The same scroll can no longer appear more than once per row in Judgeme [..]
4:29 pm, November 19, 2013
hi guys.feel like my game has kinda stagnated a little recently, and where i used to have clarity in my decisions and feel myself improving, i find myself questioning decisions and choices ive made a [..]
4:29 am, November 19, 2013
Hey guys, I made this post over on reddit a second ago. Here is the link: http://www.reddit.com/r/Scrolls/comment ... decklists/Copy of the post below:---In an attempt to keep an open dialogue about t [..]
4:29 pm, November 8, 2013
Good day my fellow Scrolldiers,Over the past week or so kbasten and levela have been hard at work coding some new features for you to use and enjoy. First up we have Scrollsguide's pricing guide. This [..]
4:29 am, November 6, 2013
BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Oh that's good, you think I'm the whuppin' boy, d'ya? Bring it, old man! But seriously, as the technically least qualified member of The Think Tank, I've found my play to be dra [..]
5:29 pm, October 11, 2013
Test Server Update 0.108Good day everyone,On this Glorious Friday afternoon the ever infamous test server was updated to 0.108 bringing with it large improvements and changes to some of the scrolls, J [..]
5:29 pm, September 24, 2013
I will put a small disclaimer here, I am not a game developer and I am even somewhat newbie to the game. While I have played since open-beta, I am only ranked 1500. With all that said, here are my top [..]
5:29 am, September 19, 2013
Divinator is not a scroll that you can simply plug in to most energy decks, like the draw scrolls for Order, Decay, and Growth. You have to build a deck around it to make it effective. As such, I feel [..]
5:29 pm, September 12, 2013
With apologies to Mark Twain, I feel like a small dose of perspective is needed in response to some of the "Scrolls is Dead" poison floating around.Context - About me - We've (I'll get [..]
5:29 pm, August 26, 2013
Changes in version 0.105.0 beta (2013-08-26):Bugfixes: Double attack bug fixed (SC-488). "When unit is dealt damage" now triggers only on damage > 0 (SC-487, SC-519). [..]
5:29 pm, August 2, 2013
Have opinions on the content of the test server? Think some scrolls are to over powered or need to be improved? Then you may voice your opinions here. Whether you have access or not we want to hear fr [..]
5:29 am, July 30, 2013
With Growth and Order being so popular lately, the matchup should be well known to you. It sure as hell is to me, as Im playing and streaming both Growth and Order on a competitive level (top 50).In [..]
5:29 am, July 30, 2013
Congratulation to the winners! But I'm also disappointed about the way the results are shown.We paid our fee and some time to create these scrolls but get no hint why some cards weren't pick and which [..]
5:29 pm, July 22, 2013
The first trial is very easy. Without seeing what it is you're doing, it's hard for me to know how you can improve. Try reading Blinky's tips for beginners:viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1183Statistic [..]
5:29 pm, July 11, 2013
Get rid of the frostbeards (too situational with high cooldown and dies to all dmg spells), junkyard (just a wall and not even a good one at that), vitality well (better wall but still not useful enou [..]
5:29 pm, July 5, 2013
btw: I couldn't figure out where to put this article to get featured. IS it in the right place? Hi, I'm JoyfulRogue, currently 14th on ladder using Growth. You are about to learn 3 pro tips that wil [..]
5:29 pm, July 5, 2013
CasualKilla wrote:Think you forgot tip 4: play growthgoes without saying mate Statistics: Posted by JoyfulRogue 5 minutes ago
5:29 am, June 25, 2013
Hello, I posted on Reddit earlier today about being able to create third party apps that can log into the Scrolls server, and I suggested that I made a chat client for use outside of the game. (You ca [..]
8:07 am, June 24, 2013
The new Mojang game Scrolls is out, and I scraped my pennies together to buy it 30mins after it was released -My reviewIf you are expecting Minecraft but with cards, you would be wrong. Howev [..]