4:29 pm, December 21, 2013
As the name of this topic says I have decided to move to Hearthstone. I had fun playing Scrolls but it just got too booring for me. Don't get me wrong I love Scrolls more than Hearhtstone but I think [..]
4:29 am, December 10, 2013
For reference, here it is.That image there? That's the prize for The Braggin' Brawl and her name is Susan. Susan is awesome Carnalizer was kind (and awesome!) enough to draw us a prize, and what [..]
4:29 pm, December 5, 2013
Test Server Update 0.111Good day my fellow Scrolldiers (who started calling you this? I don't know, kids these days),Today the test server has been updated to version 0.111 and what a fun one it is, t [..]
4:29 am, November 27, 2013
Hello I'm a french player of Scrolls please be gentle with my english. There one thing i dont understand with the scrolls Bloodboil. Why when the enchant is remove, attacks points gain by this enchant [..]
4:29 pm, November 23, 2013
I couldn't find a suitable topic to put it in, so here is the changelog:Changes in version 0.110.5 beta (2013-11-21):Bugfixes: The same scroll can no longer appear more than once per row in Judgeme [..]
4:29 pm, November 20, 2013
Design Competition Winners!Good day my fellow Scrolldiers,Today is Wednesday and that means that it is time to reveal the winners of the Design Competition. Two days ago we shared with you the twelve [..]
4:29 pm, November 19, 2013
First of all i want to congratulate everyone of the finalists! I made this topic to bring forward some more in depth discussion about the scrolls that were selected and have a chance of appearing in [..]
4:29 pm, November 18, 2013
Design Competition Finalists Good day my fellow Scrolldiers,Today we are pleased to announce the 12 finalists that we have selected from the hundreds (if not thousands) of scrolls that were entered in [..]
4:29 am, November 12, 2013
Probably the best advice to deal with people disconnecting on purpose in matches is to **** it up and deal with it.That's probably not what anyone likes to hear or wants to hear but you're not going t [..]
4:29 pm, November 10, 2013
Hi, on this topic I have one question: where can I see my Judgement deck?I can play Judgement but I cannot display all the cards in my deck.Statistics: Posted by alsavi Today, 14:02
4:29 pm, November 8, 2013
Good day my fellow Scrolldiers,Over the past week or so kbasten and levela have been hard at work coding some new features for you to use and enjoy. First up we have Scrollsguide's pricing guide. This [..]
4:29 pm, November 1, 2013
Hi Everybody,Lets make a list of what we'd like to be added/changed in Scrolls.Maybe your wish will come true and Mojang will announce it on Sunday *Please Note* If there are any off-topic or inflamat [..]
4:29 am, October 28, 2013
i casually hate this topicStatistics: Posted by Azrail Today, 04:23
5:29 am, October 21, 2013
What the topic said. Will it be more efficient, gold wise, to buy the pre-cons only for the new cards or will it be better to just buy random scrolls to try to get the new ones?Opinions plz!Statistics [..]
5:29 pm, October 16, 2013
I'm gonna digg out my list of "getting people started" guides Here are a few links good for beginners:Grumpcats introduction to the Recources (Decay not included):http://www.scrollsgui [..]
5:29 pm, September 30, 2013
Jinkies wrote:It looks like a bunch of my posts were deleted, beginning with the post where I pointed out the various why Sho7gun's post above is wrong.I don't feel like pointing out why it's all wron [..]
5:29 pm, September 30, 2013
kbasten wrote:Stay on topic.I noticed that Blinky locked a thread for straying a bit from the original topic soon after a mod finished deleting numerous posts from various people because he didn't fee [..]
5:29 pm, September 30, 2013
kbasten wrote:Stay on topic.I noticed that Blinky locked a thread for straying a bit from the original topic soon after a mod finished deleting numerous posts from various people because he didn't fee [..]
5:29 pm, September 30, 2013
kbasten wrote:Stay on topic.I noticed that Blinky locked a thread for straying a bit from the original topic soon after a mod finished deleting numerous posts from various people because he didn't fee [..]
5:29 pm, September 29, 2013
UPDATE: I decided to break this post into multiple parts, contained in different threads. There will be one about thought processes, one about deck types and deckbuilding strategy (with examples), on [..]
5:29 pm, September 29, 2013
ironballs wrote:nice series.I know u were just using it as an example but new orders is far superior to roasted bean potion Sure, it might be... right up until you have a kinfolk brave or a wildling, [..]
5:29 am, September 22, 2013
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3052Statistics: Posted by Blinky Yesterday, 21:50
5:29 am, September 22, 2013
Blinky wrote:viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3052thx!But why always twitter or facebook? They have a website...Not everyone uses social networks =/Well i should better be happy that they wrote something^ [..]
5:29 am, September 16, 2013
I can't find any topics regarding this, at least not on the first couple pages. Anyway, I'm very new (as in, I bought the game last night), and I decided I needed to figure out a way to get coins quic [..]
5:29 am, September 13, 2013
OldHammer wrote:Sadly, I have most scrolls, so it's not that exciting to me. I'm literally 20 cards short of having everything, and I'm not a particular collector.That's why you SHOULD be excited. So [..]
5:29 pm, September 7, 2013
If a player reach good spot in the ladder, he should keep fighting to stay in the spot. An account cant be in an high section of the ladder and beeing inactive for a long period of time. The bigger u [..]
5:29 pm, September 6, 2013
Profile Name: - againigounnoBug/Crash Description:same as http://www.scrollsguide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2543http://www.scrollsguide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2247http://ww [..]
5:29 am, September 3, 2013
I know this may not have to do with the actual game but i was just thinking to myself: "hmm. this could be a tv show."the reasons is that if you think about it the game (like in the tr [..]
5:29 am, August 22, 2013
This is kind of a long article on Card advantage and resources, you can skip to the bottom if you want for some take aways.Card advantage for the purpose of this article is basically the cards you hav [..]
5:29 am, August 15, 2013
Efficiency is one of those scrolls where you need to carefully weigh cost vs benefit, both as a deck builder when you decide if you should include Efficiency in your deck as well as a player when you [..]
5:29 am, August 14, 2013
Napalm wrote:Well, problem isn't really in uploading itself but it seems that replays earlier then 7.8.2013 aren't displayed in replay list. I guess list gets cleared up then you reinstall the mod aft [..]
5:29 pm, July 29, 2013
Almost exactly a month ago we asked you to design the best scrolls that you could think of. Today we are able to announce the winners of said competition. Now this wasn't an easy task, we had lots of [..]
5:29 pm, July 22, 2013
The first trial is very easy. Without seeing what it is you're doing, it's hard for me to know how you can improve. Try reading Blinky's tips for beginners:viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1183Statistic [..]
5:29 am, July 20, 2013
This is it! This is the third and final triweekly article! now that you know what they all are you can add them to your calendars and send me pictures of your true devotion to my extremely average art [..]
5:29 pm, July 18, 2013
Texas wrote:Have you ever played MTG? If not, there is very interesting kind of game as draft. Imagine the table with 8 players, every one gets a pack of cards for example 14 (2 rares, 4 uncommons, 8 [..]
5:29 am, July 18, 2013
Start with the trials that are do-able for you. Most of the easy ones should not give you any trouble, some of the medium ones are trivial, as well. Some people claim that they have done even the hard [..]
5:29 am, July 18, 2013
Hello and welcome, ladies and gentlemen and other, to the second of my triweekly news posts. Today I am covering a few threads that were started in the past 7 days, that i feel are certainly worth a r [..]
5:29 am, July 16, 2013
Nice post Acidjib!Just keep publishing about mods. (:beer:)It's very handy if the top ones get highlighted.I like the space end turn very much too. Just annoying that I can't do any other thing with k [..]
5:29 pm, July 14, 2013
were you thinking of this? viewtopic.php?f=45&t=2159Some of the cards have been released and some have not.Statistics: Posted by ironblades Today, 13:27
5:29 pm, July 12, 2013
Hey, was searching for a topic like this but couldnt find one so figured i would start one.This thread can be used for people to find practice partners of similar skill level to test out new decks or [..]
5:29 pm, July 11, 2013
I was disappointed at the mechanics behind acquiring these shiny scrolls. =(I made a thread about that here:viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2304Statistics: Posted by PONTO Today, 16:28
5:29 am, July 10, 2013
I was about to write my own topic but you have the same issue I have.If I play automatic forge or my opponent plays it my game bugs.Can't play any cards, the timer stays at 0 and I can't press next tu [..]
5:29 pm, July 5, 2013
Attention: You may only submit scrolls if you have registered to this competition beforehand. Also, this competition has nothing to do with the SG Design Competition.Hello everybody, the wait is final [..]
5:29 pm, July 5, 2013
btw: I couldn't figure out where to put this article to get featured. IS it in the right place? Hi, I'm JoyfulRogue, currently 14th on ladder using Growth. You are about to learn 3 pro tips that wil [..]
5:29 pm, July 1, 2013
I got some help from a forum I made I think Last Week: http://viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2032 , which helped a bit. but I think my deck isn't really helping me and the play-style I spoke of in the [..]
5:29 am, June 27, 2013
Hey there scrolldiers ! Well .. i wanted to try a trial match. So i went into the "Hard - On the Rocks" .Since im a new player i just wanted to try if i could win with my standard dec [..]
5:29 am, June 25, 2013
Gwildorix wrote:I've been playing around with the app for the past few days and so far I am loving it. I have a few suggestions though:* Perhaps it's an idea to have an "ingame" settin [..]