4:29 pm, December 10, 2013
WheresMikey wrote:How about making a thread that is a list of players who have disconnected on you during a game.I'm sure sometimes there's a good reason why it happens, but its nevertheless frustrati [..]
4:29 am, October 31, 2013
Hello;After your opponent disconnected; the countdown will reach to 0 twice - after the first full turn of your opponent has ended without reconnecting a small grace period is initiated where the time [..]
5:29 pm, October 21, 2013
Statistics: Posted by Peteos Today, 11:34
5:29 pm, October 21, 2013
Having some fun in judgement and this thing happened at my opponents turn opponent disconnects to the point timer is in blinking zero and then reconnects back. And now iam stuck here to watch that bli [..]
5:29 pm, October 15, 2013
I'm trying to log in. It gives me a java lang nullpointer exception, reconnects, says something that is too fast to read and leaves my password box empty.Any clues?Statistics: Posted by OldHammer To [..]
5:29 pm, September 12, 2013
Damn just happened to me for the first time. I used soul steal on his unit with plating on 3rd turn which gave me 3 shamblers vs 0 cratures on his side of a board. He started cussing me in german from [..]
5:29 pm, August 28, 2013
I was playing a trial when my internet connection went down, I tabbed out to fix it and when I was done the game had frozen so I shut it off. Now when I try to start the game it is first a black scree [..]
5:29 am, August 18, 2013
This guy disconnected as soon as he played the Eye of Eagle (and didn't get that needed veteran). I wait till he times out... then he reconnects and doesn't answer; the whisper command claims he isn't [..]