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Scrolls Discussions




Scrolls Discussion Re: Scrolls: Beginner Decay Tutorial (Plus Deck building tip

4:29 pm, November 21, 2013 Neat video!Beginners nowadays have it so easy with all the tutorials around When I started out, I had to work things out by failing over and over again with my amateurish Gravelocke deck before finall [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Beginners guide to Scrolls video series

4:29 am, November 18, 2013 Hi everyone.As a massive fan of Scrolls, I desperately want new players to firstly discover our awesome game, and then more importantly I want them to stay. As I have been in bed for the last 10 days [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: New player, on struggle street

5:29 pm, October 16, 2013 I'm gonna digg out my list of "getting people started" guides Here are a few links good for beginners:Grumpcats introduction to the Recources (Decay not included):http://www.scrollsgui [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Newbie needs help :(

5:29 am, October 1, 2013 btw .. zylus.. take a little bit of your rare time and make a post for beginners to guide them like badyuyus post.with your connections to some mods here you have the chance to get a decent post and o [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Common opinion ingame and reality

5:29 pm, July 23, 2013 What I hear a lot of times, and what seems to be very common is 1) Growth op, because they are the best early game and late game. And of course because of Quake, because it resets the board.Imho that [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Trials

5:29 pm, July 22, 2013 The first trial is very easy. Without seeing what it is you're doing, it's hard for me to know how you can improve. Try reading Blinky's tips for beginners:viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1183Statistic [..] View

Scrolls Discussion A Scrolls Beginners Guide - By Spewsack

5:29 am, July 6, 2013 Hello. Let me begin by saying that I do not claim to be the greatest Scrolls player in the world. I began playing on a glorious tuesday, the second day of open beta. I have played extensively, have mu [..] View


Scrolls Discussion A Scrolls Beginners Guide - By Spewsack

Mar 2, 2015, 3:35 am Hello. Let me begin by saying that I do not claim to be the greatest Scrolls player in the world. I began playing on a glorious tuesday, the second day of open beta. I have played extensively, have mu[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Beginners guide to Scrolls video series

Jan 4, 2015, 5:45 pm Hi everyone.As a massive fan of Scrolls, I desperately want new players to firstly discover our awesome game, and then more importantly I want them to stay. As I have been in bed for the last 10 days [..] View

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