4:29 am, December 3, 2013
Apparently it's 80, 8081 and 8082.I just fired up CPorts and can see 80 and 8081 definitely being used, 8082 might be for logonStatistics: Posted by rusticdog Today, 04:04
4:29 am, December 3, 2013
I've recently moved into accommodation where there is an automatic firewall blocking most servers, including the Scrolls servers. I can apply to open ports to access these servers, but I need to know [..]
5:29 pm, October 22, 2013
It seems that a lot of people (including blinky) I see who play scrolls think that it is rude or unsportsmanship like to leave a game before the opponent has a chance to destroy 3 idols. I can underst [..]
5:29 pm, September 12, 2013
With apologies to Mark Twain, I feel like a small dose of perspective is needed in response to some of the "Scrolls is Dead" poison floating around.Context - About me - We've (I'll get [..]
5:29 pm, September 12, 2013
I have noticed the lack of activity in the forums and from my experience that tends to be a positive as it means if less people are talking about scrolls the more people are playing. Generally I fee [..]
5:29 am, July 12, 2013
MrSpaceWorm wrote:Is this project dead ?Mojang have some policy regarding ports of Scrolls, so for legal reasons, kbasten's put this on hold.At least that's what I think has happened.Statistics: Poste [..]