4:29 am, November 11, 2013
ironballs wrote:I like it, however, unlike in chess, The perspective that myself and my opponent have isnt the same. In chess d5 will always be where d5 is. In scrolls d5 is d5 to me and d2 to my oppo [..]
4:29 am, November 7, 2013
Greetings all.I'm a fairy new player. I rolled Energy and I lose 9 times out of 9.1. It seems that unless I can dominate the board from the get go and keep the opponents units to a minimum, I have no [..]
5:29 pm, October 11, 2013
Test Server Update 0.108Good day everyone,On this Glorious Friday afternoon the ever infamous test server was updated to 0.108 bringing with it large improvements and changes to some of the scrolls, J [..]
5:29 pm, September 12, 2013
With apologies to Mark Twain, I feel like a small dose of perspective is needed in response to some of the "Scrolls is Dead" poison floating around.Context - About me - We've (I'll get [..]
5:29 am, August 3, 2013
Really helps put a perspective on things, most people just call something overpowered if it gets used against them effectively.Thanks anyway blinkyStatistics: Posted by CrystalBacon Yesterday, 23:00
5:29 am, August 3, 2013
There have been a lot of posts around on the various forums where people complain about things being overpowered or broken and how the game isnt balanced etc etc. Just for a bit of perspective, the fo [..]
5:29 pm, August 2, 2013
There is a way to build deck against growth, but it's a trade off. But so will it be from growth, I'm not sure where meta will be when thing hit live. But I know one thing for sure - you cannot beat g [..]
5:29 pm, August 2, 2013
Hello, I've been blogging for quite a while now, but I'd love to paste all my test server related blog entries here, if that's okay with you This is my post from yesterday evening:Test server diary, [..]
5:29 pm, July 18, 2013
Texas wrote:Have you ever played MTG? If not, there is very interesting kind of game as draft. Imagine the table with 8 players, every one gets a pack of cards for example 14 (2 rares, 4 uncommons, 8 [..]
5:29 pm, July 18, 2013
Have you ever played MTG? If not, there is very interesting kind of game as draft. Imagine the table with 8 players, every one gets a pack of cards for example 14 (2 rares, 4 uncommons, 8 commons). Ev [..]