4:29 am, December 11, 2013
Does someone understand the new filter option?s:2 = set number 2? What set number 2?Statistics: Posted by kehmesis Yesterday, 19:55
4:29 pm, December 9, 2013
Hi, I promise it is the last poll from me. I do it because I think this feature is really needed and easy to implement by the developers and it is also not a feature with big testing effort (concer [..]
4:29 pm, December 9, 2013
WheresMikey wrote:The way we sac a card for resources or 2 more cards refreshes our hands so well. I don't know what kind of mulligan could improve on that.What are specific ways a mulligan can compli [..]
4:29 pm, December 8, 2013
I think it's ok only if every player could have a pool of 1min. that they could spend when ever they need. This will do the games faster and this will let you think whenever you needed But you will h [..]
4:29 am, December 6, 2013
players aren't good enough to iterate on a deck when matches take a long timewith so much luck in the game and so few players (= suboptimal matchmaking), you need to spend way too much time playing ma [..]
4:29 pm, November 20, 2013
Design Competition Winners!Good day my fellow Scrolldiers,Today is Wednesday and that means that it is time to reveal the winners of the Design Competition. Two days ago we shared with you the twelve [..]
4:29 pm, November 1, 2013
Tournament support, new ranking system, more tribal scrolls, another good growth 3 drop, more ramp spells, a way for new people to join the test server (contest or tournament etc), permanent channel o [..]
5:29 am, October 22, 2013
How are you guys finding this new deck? I just bought it and played several games with it. It's legit. Once the pieces are in place, you'd be throwing Quake-level damage every other turn and simply lo [..]
5:29 am, October 19, 2013
This may be the wrong section of the forum, but thought I'd post here I ran across an issue today where Blinky was doing a Stream and I couldn't watch as I as at work (that crazy time-zone thing).Afte [..]
5:29 pm, October 16, 2013
Test Server Update 0.109Good day everyone,As we build up to the Major update on Monday Mojang have been hard at work doing their final tweaks on the test server to ensure that the release goes as smoo [..]
5:29 pm, October 5, 2013
DavidSlain brought up a good point...the turn is only 90 seconds. When you get up high in rank 1750+ almost EVERY turn by each player is 90 seconds lol. There is a lot to think about and it takes al [..]
5:29 pm, October 4, 2013
Elianto wrote:I didn't completely understand the way Mojang decided to handle beta and tests.The game is not officially released but to play in beta you need to buy the game itself, and there will be [..]
5:29 am, September 23, 2013
Background info:As you all know the test server client is only available on windows (currently anyway). I wanted to test scrolls too, but my main computer is a mac. So I decided I would try to install [..]
5:29 pm, September 19, 2013
Disclaimer: Unless specified, I'm discussing these scrolls with 1800-1900+ competitive play in mind. Many of these scrolls that I say aren't worth running in a deck would be totally fine (and in fact [..]
5:29 am, September 13, 2013
Wow...what a little poop sipper. Yea I wish there were ways to report players. On minecraft you can just play single player or family friendly servers. Here, you have no other option really than yo pl [..]
5:29 pm, September 11, 2013
Judgement DayGood day to you all.After the successful release of decay Mojang have moved onto the next stage of the game by introducing a new format called "Judgement" onto the test se [..]
5:29 pm, September 10, 2013
I'm not the greatest player. Never been beyond 1600, mostly because I'm always trying new things because; fun.But I have played over a thousand games, maybe close to 2000, I'm not sure, I'm away from [..]
5:29 pm, September 3, 2013
Yeah perhaps the Order one should just be a until the end of turn attack increase, as in a short term infection. Obviously its hard to balance these without actually playing with them so that's why I [..]
5:29 am, September 3, 2013
Hello again all,As you are probably all aware the recent release of Decay has led to a number of new and interesting multicolor decks, additional support has also been released for certain tribal deck [..]
5:29 pm, August 26, 2013
Yo guys,i am on another PC right now. I want to play Scrolls but i can't find anything about downloading Scrolls without buying a new version! I already have bought the game - and even if i am logging [..]
5:29 am, August 22, 2013
This is kind of a long article on Card advantage and resources, you can skip to the bottom if you want for some take aways.Card advantage for the purpose of this article is basically the cards you hav [..]
5:29 am, August 19, 2013
The only ones that seem to win regularly, since the new cards, are aggro growth and Order (Hon gen spam or Mango-Speed variants). That's three out of an endless number of options.I'm aware of GO dra [..]
5:29 am, August 19, 2013
Hey Everyone,I've been covering scrolls for a couple months on my youtube channel and thought that I would post here to see if anyone would be interested in watching some ranked matches or give advice [..]
5:29 am, August 15, 2013
1) Implement a Mulligan Option for the starting hand or develop some kind of fresh idea. Perhaps choosing 2 cards that you have ALWAYS in your starting hand and 2 cards that you NEVER have in your sta [..]
5:29 pm, August 8, 2013
What annoys me with energy is that there is no way to contest growth's and order's early creatures with energy ones. You can only turtle into endgame which you, more often than not, lose due to being [..]
5:29 am, August 1, 2013
Yeh transposition is pretty good , new orders is a fun option too. I would take out the stag hearts instead of the wolf bro and veattr's though. Stag heart is great in growth vs growth but against ene [..]
5:29 pm, July 28, 2013
If you want to make more gold and play against actual players, surrender when you feel you are in a position where a winning outcome is not likely. For obvious reasons I would advise against this for [..]
5:29 pm, July 25, 2013
First Order was overpowered and then growth was overpowered, then GO was overpowered. Quake, pother, Thundersurge, potion of resistance. Mangonels. Everything overpowered... and now decay. With the ex [..]
5:29 am, July 25, 2013
As a rule of thumb, every resource your generate costs 1 scroll. One of the easy traps I got into early as a Magic player is the refusal to sacrifice for resources beyond being able to just "c [..]
5:29 pm, July 23, 2013
Energy is definatly a bit underpowered atm , but growth and order seem to be on even level at the top. I agree that growth is by far the easiest to play and thats fine to me , however i do think quake [..]
5:29 pm, July 19, 2013
I know my Headline is a bit confusing - what i mean is: It's the second time today right at this moment, that i play against someone, who abuses the game mechanics of the timer. He doesn't do anything [..]
5:29 am, July 13, 2013
I'm seeing a lot of negativity about the new crafting system, both on these forums and on Scrollsfans.com. The fact is that most of the criticisms are pretty baseless, and the arguments against the cr [..]
5:29 pm, July 11, 2013
Get rid of the frostbeards (too situational with high cooldown and dies to all dmg spells), junkyard (just a wall and not even a good one at that), vitality well (better wall but still not useful enou [..]
5:29 pm, July 7, 2013
Avoid thunder surge by keeping your units in two seperate rows, or just marking sure they won't be able to attack with creatures after thunder surge. Make sure you have 3x pushback in your deck for i [..]
5:29 am, July 7, 2013
khymera wrote:Scrolls does because of the way your account works, Im not sure about minecraft but Im sure you could swiftly google the answer for thatI tried to find the answer on Google before asking [..]
5:29 pm, July 6, 2013
Hello guys,If we look carefully at the three resource types, Order does not really have a proper finisher, like Growth with Rally or God Hand, or Energy with their Iron Ogre or Bombard, and also have [..]
5:29 pm, July 2, 2013
Hello,I seem to have forgoten my scrolls login password.Please help me retrieve it. I have the login account name but there doesn t seem to be an option to retrieve the lost password. I would very muc [..]
5:29 am, July 2, 2013
Hi everyone,I uploaded a Scrolls review for my youtube channel. It is my first review video and I would like to hear some feedback on the video and also on some points I'm talking about (I'm not an ex [..]
5:29 pm, June 30, 2013
heatzz wrote:Not everyone can process as fast, beside if you have a big handsize, more option means more decision to make.yeah, 89 seconds to sac for resources turn 1 is not hard decision making.using [..]
5:29 pm, June 26, 2013
is there any option or way to launch game in windowed fullscreen mode??Statistics: Posted by Yuuhi84 Today, 15:31
5:29 am, June 25, 2013
CasualKilla wrote:Mojang said in an interview that nerfing cards is a last resort option, if anything they will release cards that counter quake surge.....for example, I present the crusader medic:Huh [..]
6:24 am, June 24, 2013
Meleoron wrote:TRHeadshot wrote:http://www.scrollsguide.com/deckbuilder/#2945My current deck, been working just fine in early, mid and late.Very interesting deck, was wondering how the blast strike en [..]