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Scrolls Discussions




Scrolls Discussion How Infinity wars Drafting could affect Judgement?

4:29 pm, December 22, 2013 Ok... Since my last thread was doing well, but you didn't really listen very well to my ideas.Soon this time is more proper. After playing some drafts on Infinity wars' new feature: Rift runs. The gam [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: How Infinity wars Drafting could affect Judgement?

4:29 pm, December 22, 2013 I prefer having a set number of games instead of a set number of losses. Even as a player you averages about 4 wins in a judgment run, i think it is simply more fair to stop after 5 games. So that a [..] View

Scrolls Discussion I really never thought it was OP...

4:29 pm, December 21, 2013 That is, until today.Was in a Judgement match. Played super well, opponent wasn't really doing anything, I dominated the board. This was a clear win.Suddenly... Quake.Wasn't expecting it in Judgement [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Scrolls changelog 0.112.1

4:29 am, December 20, 2013 Changes in version 0.112.1 beta (2013-12-19):Bugfixes: Fixes for achievements sometimes not being properly awarded: Win X ranked matches, Reach position X in the ladder, Blazingly fast / Stampede / [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Revamped Judgement: Better than ever!

4:29 am, December 17, 2013 After playing some draft on Infinity wars, I think we should make judgement more better, but still unique is that we shouldn't be limited by how many wins that was chosen by the devs, but instead they [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Revamped Judgement: Better than ever!

4:29 am, December 17, 2013 How about we balanced the cards and rarity for the New and improved Judgement?Statistics: Posted by flamerage Today, 02:37 View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Judgement just plain bad?

4:29 am, December 16, 2013 davidslain wrote:Considering Judgement decks are only supposed to be 30ish cards, if you see no good scrolls in that span of draw, you're doing something terribly terribly wrong.Sometimes I see them, [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Judgement just plain bad?

4:29 am, December 16, 2013 Came back to scrolls after not really playing it since summer. Tried out a couple of Judgement runs but after 4 - 5 of them I am really disappointed. It feels too random most of the time. And with ran [..] View

Support Server i/o error message and disconnects

4:29 am, December 10, 2013 Hi there,So sometimes I get booted from a game. I know you are working on re-connect feature but in the meantime this is quite frustrating if I am in a judgement game. Like most recently razcrux vs Pe [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Scrolls Needs a Playerbase

4:29 am, December 7, 2013 I love this game to *****, and I love the potential of where it's going. But why is there only 300 people at most on at one time? If this is as great of a game as we and the Dev's know it is and can [..] View

News and Announcements Test Server Update 0.111

4:29 pm, December 5, 2013 Test Server Update 0.111Good day my fellow Scrolldiers (who started calling you this? I don't know, kids these days),Today the test server has been updated to version 0.111 and what a fun one it is, t [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Does the game freeze much for everyone?

4:29 pm, December 3, 2013 Usually the game does not freeze. Anyways, sometimes (like 1 of 20) I suffer a bug when I wanna approach a judgement match, giving me not a chance to actually join the match but the game freezes sayin [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Are the factions unbalanced?

4:29 am, November 25, 2013 I hear a lot of talk lately about how unbalanced the factions are. People are saying that Decay or Growth are too powerful, and Order is really awful (despite wings captain). There is very little ment [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Scrolls changelog 110.5

4:29 pm, November 23, 2013 I couldn't find a suitable topic to put it in, so here is the changelog:Changes in version 0.110.5 beta (2013-11-21):Bugfixes: The same scroll can no longer appear more than once per row in Judgeme [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: In Depth thoughts on the Design Competition Finalists

4:29 pm, November 19, 2013 Mojang reserves the right to modify stuff for balance as they see fit.In MTG design the people who create cards and the people who tweak the costs and effects for balance are separate departments, for [..] View

Support Not finding a Judgement match

4:29 am, November 13, 2013 Hey, don't know if already mentioned somewhere hereIn the last days, it happened at least twice times, that I queued for a judgement match - when I finally got one, I accepted but had to wait for othe [..] View

Support Re: Rage disconnect in Judgement.

4:29 am, November 12, 2013 Probably the best advice to deal with people disconnecting on purpose in matches is to **** it up and deal with it.That's probably not what anyone likes to hear or wants to hear but you're not going t [..] View

Support Rage disconnect in Judgement.

4:29 am, November 12, 2013 Just in case anyone was worried, I had someone rage disconnect on me in a match, it still counts as a win. I'd be surprised if it didn't, but the confirmation is nice.My deck wasn't even that good. O_ [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Share your SG Judgement drafts

4:29 pm, November 10, 2013 Hi, on this topic I have one question: where can I see my Judgement deck?I can play Judgement but I cannot display all the cards in my deck.Statistics: Posted by alsavi Today, 14:02 View

Scrolls Discussion Share your SG Judgement drafts

4:29 pm, November 8, 2013 Hey everybody,Now that Scrollsguide has its own judgement simulator we are in need of a home to share our draft decks, this is it. Please share everything relating to your Scrollsguide Drafts, the res [..] View

News and Announcements New Scrollsguide Features

4:29 pm, November 8, 2013 Good day my fellow Scrolldiers,Over the past week or so kbasten and levela have been hard at work coding some new features for you to use and enjoy. First up we have Scrollsguide's pricing guide. This [..] View

News and Announcements Scrolls Panel News

4:29 am, November 8, 2013 My fellow Scrolldiers,As you may well be aware Minecon 2013 happened last weekend. Sadly they were unable to find time to stream the Scrolls Panel and very little has been heard about what actually ha [..] View

News and Announcements Re: Scrolls Panel News

4:29 am, November 8, 2013 @kbasten: I think another thing you could try with the experimental judgement is something where instead of rows by rarity, have it so you're 50% more likely to get rares towards the beginning of the [..] View

Support Summoner Not Working

4:29 am, November 8, 2013 Since the update I have been unable to get Summoner to work on my mac. I have re downloaded it and patched the game fine, however when I open up scrolls the mods tab does not appear. It worked fine be [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Turning the tide

4:29 am, November 7, 2013 The energy precon isn't the most...effective of the lot, I'll admit.Luckily most energy cards can normally be picked up quite cheap in the trade channels, and a lot of the things you want are commons. [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Where the heck is everybody? Im losing my motivation to play

4:29 am, November 2, 2013 I have been gone for a while and i just logged in to get me some OP wingcaptains. Joined the trading channel and got right into channel #1. Very unusual unless, everybody... is... gone!!! So after t [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Energy Too Efficient?

4:29 am, November 1, 2013 I am seeing a disturbing trend in Judgement where Energy is by far the most drafted resource. I feel this is because they have super effecient low-costed creatures. Siege Cracker + Cannonetta being th [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Energy Too Efficient?

4:29 am, November 1, 2013 Charge Coils and State machines are why Energy is so dominant in Judgement.I don't have a problem with Energy being the Star once but I suggest that Charge Coil and State Machines should become Uncomm [..] View

Scrolls Discussion People need to be more aware of attack order

4:29 am, October 31, 2013 Just had a ragequit from someone I played in judgement because I managed to **** off his super powerful berserker by cleverly positioning my owls so that they would buff up my sister of owl by the tim [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Judgment: let's complain here!

4:29 am, October 29, 2013 Hi everyone,I have been following this forum a lot. great job.Also this is my first message. To introduce me, I am a regular scrolls player (maybe 400 games so far). And despite the title: I LOVE IT!! [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Judgment: let's complain here!

4:29 am, October 29, 2013 I find it a bit unfortunate too that you can meet the same person twice during judgement. I played a lot and it only happened to me once but it was a bit of a let down (my deck with 4 charge coils and [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Judgement tips and tricks

4:29 am, October 28, 2013 I thought itwould maybe be a good idea to help eachother out with some tips and tricks you guys use when drafting decks for judgement, since I see some people doing really bad without knowing why.The [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Judgement tips and tricks

4:29 am, October 28, 2013 Start by picking cards that directly counter Energy and/or Order; you can do what everyone does and go for Energy/Order early to hope for a jackpot in picks in your draft but in more than 75% of the [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Judgement Why???????

4:29 am, October 27, 2013 Monjang pls fix*couldn't get it to display in forum.Statistics: Posted by khymera 48 minutes ago View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Judgement Why???????

4:29 am, October 27, 2013 TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO I am sorry... Forgiveness?Statistics: Posted by flamelord31 3 minutes ago View

Support Scrolls Not Responding on executing program.

5:29 pm, October 25, 2013 I've tried installing and reinstalling, I've tried deleting and reinstalling, I've tried repairing using the installer.I have Windows 7 64 bit, have had the game running successfully when I last playe [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: so how many of 1 card have you guys gotten in judgement?

5:29 am, October 25, 2013 Peachmachine wrote:Go cry somewhere else and play constructed instead.This is a fun thread!Dear Mr.Peachmachine,I dont like you.Signed,Senor AzrailStatistics: Posted by Azrail Yesterday, 23:07 View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Judgement and its award system

5:29 pm, October 23, 2013 I would highly suggest you grind AI till you get a better idea of how to play the game. 1 win in 5 hours just tells me that you need to practice with the base game before going into variations. Grindi [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Cards which are stronger (or weaker) in Judgement

5:29 pm, October 23, 2013 I've noticed that some cards appear to be stronger in Judgement than in Vanilla, probably because the best tactic is to go for creature heavy decks that leave little room for subtle tactcs.The ones th [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Cards which are stronger (or weaker) in Judgement

5:29 pm, October 23, 2013 Low cost bombs, removal, draw, ramp, aoe are killing it for me right now.Deck has this kind of stuff:Energy Siphons, Dark Strikes, Soul Steals, Languids, Spark, Damning Curse, Kabonk (and State Machin [..] View

Support Scrolls missing in deck in judgement mode

5:29 pm, October 23, 2013 I just had a game of judgement mode.It was match-6876453,my account name was 9357 and Griskokarn was my opponent.Throughout the whole game I can only draw copper auto,gun auto,burn and state machine e [..] View

Support Re: Scrolls missing in deck in judgement mode

5:29 pm, October 23, 2013 Same... 2 times with one deck.Statistics: Posted by Redgarex Today, 13:51 View

Scrolls Discussion Judgement and its award system

5:29 am, October 23, 2013 I was really excited about Judgement and still is but i gotta say that the reward system sucks. It just aint worth playing and the simple reason for that is because you dont get any gold after complet [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: My Judgement Experience

5:29 pm, October 22, 2013 ironballs wrote:sounds awesome. Im thoroughly enjoying judgement so far. through 3 runs ive won 11 games and cherry picked a couple of divinators and a wings captain. Kinda wish there was a way to tra [..] View

Scrolls Discussion I don't have much luck, apparently.

5:29 am, October 22, 2013 I seem to be playing people in judgement with the most amazing luck. They seem to have almost perfect mono order deck, with two+ of most of the troops and a lot of spells. I asked one guy and he sa [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Thank you for the judgement format

5:29 am, October 22, 2013 I took on a 6 burn 6 spark deck. it drove me nuts.Statistics: Posted by Threads Today, 03:55 View

Scrolls Discussion Re: I don't have much luck, apparently.

5:29 am, October 22, 2013 you shouldn't start a judgement deck with a certain mindset, just look at the first few scrolls, pick 1-2 factions you like the pick off and go build around that, take as a pointer that you can change [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Thank you for the judgement format

5:29 am, October 22, 2013 Just upgraded to the patch paid my gold and drafted my first of what will be many judgement decks. Even got a game in after and had a blast. This will keep me playing first deck is a goofy decay order [..] View

Support I'm getting an error after the judgement update

5:29 am, October 22, 2013 So the game updates to 100%, starts unpacking, and then the window just goes away. I then try to launch the game again and I get the following error:data folder not found with the following details - [..] View

Support Re: I'm getting an error after the judgement update

5:29 am, October 22, 2013 I had the same issue after install, the advice by newcomer worked. Locate the scrolls folder, locate the zip file, this may be a .rar file not a .zip.For me is called game and its a winrar zip archive [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Annoying disconnect-reconnect glitch

5:29 pm, October 21, 2013 Having some fun in judgement and this thing happened at my opponents turn opponent disconnects to the point timer is in blinking zero and then reconnects back. And now iam stuck here to watch that bli [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: New Patch live - but not more players

5:29 pm, October 21, 2013 At work will bebdownloqding patch at lunch then a. Quick judgement draft. The limited format has me more excited to play than everStatistics: Posted by cheatedfatesjoe Today, 14:54 View

News and Announcements Re: Patch 0.110: Judgement week is upon us!

5:29 pm, October 21, 2013 I agree that we can only choose from the deck list. It brings fun the the choosing process Statistics: Posted by Filman 17 minutes ago View

Scrolls Discussion Re: worth buying precons just for new cards...

5:29 am, October 21, 2013 depends... do you plan on playing mainly constructed or judgement?if doing judgement, i'd just build my collection that way.Statistics: Posted by Threads Today, 02:29 View

Scrolls Discussion Rating Scrolls for Judgement

5:29 am, October 17, 2013 Hello,I have put together a list of all the scrolls in the game and assigned a rating for how good I believe they will be for the new format.Hopefully, this helps people as they prepare for the upcomi [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Rating Scrolls for Judgement

5:29 am, October 17, 2013 Badyuyu wrote:siRisacc wrote:Order in General (hue hue hue), will be tough to do in this format due it their harsh need for combos.You obviously did not see Atmaz Order draft. 2nd draft and he pulled [..] View

News and Announcements Test Server Update 0.109

5:29 pm, October 16, 2013 Test Server Update 0.109Good day everyone,As we build up to the Major update on Monday Mojang have been hard at work doing their final tweaks on the test server to ensure that the release goes as smoo [..] View

News and Announcements Patch Date Announced

5:29 pm, October 14, 2013 Patch Date AnnouncedGood day everyone,Today the news that everybody has been looking forward to has finally been announced, on Monday 21st October Scrolls will be updated to 0.108 on the live server.I [..] View

News and Announcements Test Server Update 0.108

5:29 pm, October 11, 2013 Test Server Update 0.108Good day everyone,On this Glorious Friday afternoon the ever infamous test server was updated to 0.108 bringing with it large improvements and changes to some of the scrolls, J [..] View

News and Announcements Re: Test Server Update 0.108

5:29 pm, October 11, 2013 This looks amazing, now I'm actually excited about judgement! Thanks for the info guys, and keep up the good work.Statistics: Posted by Shixax 2 minutes ago View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Intermediate Problem (Take 2)

5:29 am, October 7, 2013 Same way I will be getting my new scrolls. Judgement. Get a bit of Gold (or maybe you allready have some left over) and play judgement. I'm pretty damn certain it will be fun and it's a way to a) get [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: How have things been?

5:29 pm, September 29, 2013 If your looking for a reason to come back, Judgement will be it. It's a limited draught mode, much like hearthstones Arena, definitely a more enjoyable way to play. It removes a lot of the repetition [..] View

Scrolls Discussion What is "judgement"?

5:29 am, September 23, 2013 I keep hearing about "judgement matches" and things? What is this? How is this different from ranked matches?Statistics: Posted by Eshlie Today, 00:50 View

Scrolls Discussion Re: What is "judgement"?

5:29 am, September 23, 2013 It is going to be a draft like game where you construct a deck out of cards you select out of a set of randomly generated cards( so you will not use your own), you than construct a deck of the cards y [..] View

Scrolls Discussion How to install the Scrolls Test server on mac.

5:29 am, September 23, 2013 Background info:As you all know the test server client is only available on windows (currently anyway). I wanted to test scrolls too, but my main computer is a mac. So I decided I would try to install [..] View

Scrolls Discussion First Impression of the 39 New Scrolls - 13 Page Writeup

5:29 pm, September 19, 2013 Disclaimer: Unless specified, I'm discussing these scrolls with 1800-1900+ competitive play in mind. Many of these scrolls that I say aren't worth running in a deck would be totally fine (and in fact [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: A seperate Ranking System for Judgement would be awesome

5:29 pm, September 13, 2013 So when I have won 3 games in a row. Do I get matched up against someone that has won 3 games in a row? Sounds fair for the new players. But i'd rather play draft for the fun than competition.I do lik [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Wait...current Scrolls players will have to buy Judgment

5:29 am, September 13, 2013 OldHammer wrote:Sadly, I have most scrolls, so it's not that exciting to me. I'm literally 20 cards short of having everything, and I'm not a particular collector.That's why you SHOULD be excited. So [..] View

Scrolls Discussion A seperate Ranking System for Judgement would be awesome

5:29 pm, September 12, 2013 It really would! But I wouldn't go for Rating here. It should more be like the rankings for an NBA Season or something like that. Once you have 10 wins you enter the ranking system. The more wins you [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Reports of Scrolls' ***** have been Greatly Exaggerated

5:29 pm, September 12, 2013 With apologies to Mark Twain, I feel like a small dose of perspective is needed in response to some of the "Scrolls is Dead" poison floating around.Context - About me - We've (I'll get [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Everyone a new game mode is coming :)

5:29 pm, September 11, 2013 This new game mode they like to call "Judgement" is the next game mode in Scrolls. As I see it's just drafting, which is really what everyone wanted. right? Well anyways check their we [..] View

News and Announcements Re: Judgement Day!

5:29 pm, September 11, 2013 you pick what scrolls you get from the 45 scrolls that you draftedStatistics: Posted by Blinky Today, 16:18 View

News and Announcements Judgement Day!

5:29 pm, September 11, 2013 Judgement DayGood day to you all.After the successful release of decay Mojang have moved onto the next stage of the game by introducing a new format called "Judgement" onto the test se [..] View


Scrolls Discussion Cards which are stronger (or weaker) in Judgement

Mar 4, 2015, 6:00 pm I've noticed that some cards appear to be stronger in Judgement than in Vanilla, probably because the best tactic is to go for creature heavy decks that leave little room for subtle tactcs.<br /><br /[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Thank you for the judgement format

Feb 23, 2015, 4:32 pm I took on a 6 burn 6 spark deck. it drove me nuts.<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href=";u=4686">Threads</a> Today, 03:55</p>[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Share your SG Judgement drafts

Feb 7, 2015, 8:28 pm Hey everybody,<br /><br />Now that Scrollsguide has its own judgement simulator we are in need of a home to share our draft decks, this is it. Please share everything relating to your Scrollsguide Dra[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Share your SG Judgement drafts

Feb 3, 2015, 11:50 am Hi, on this topic I have one question: where can I see my Judgement deck?I can play Judgement but I cannot display all the cards in my deck.<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href="http://www.scrollsguide.[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Judgement Why???????

Feb 1, 2015, 8:00 pm TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO I am sorry... Forgiveness?<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href=";u=1039">flamelord31</a> 3 minutes ago</[..] View

News and Announcements Judgement Day!

Jan 26, 2015, 2:04 pm <p>Judgement Day</p>Good day to you all.After the successful release of decay Mojang have moved onto the next stage of the game by introducing a new format called &#34;Judgement&#34; onto the test ser[..] View

Support Rage disconnect in Judgement.

Jan 26, 2015, 1:28 pm Just in case anyone was worried, I had someone rage disconnect on me in a match, it still counts as a win. I'd be surprised if it didn't, but the confirmation is nice.My deck wasn't even that good. O_[..] View

Scrolls Discussion A seperate Ranking System for Judgement would be awesome

Jan 25, 2015, 9:12 pm It really would! But I wouldn't go for Rating here. It should more be like the rankings for an NBA Season or something like that. Once you have 10 wins you enter the ranking system. The more wins you [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: My Judgement Experience

Jan 25, 2015, 2:30 pm ironballs wrote:sounds awesome. Im thoroughly enjoying judgement so far. through 3 runs ive won 11 games and cherry picked a couple of divinators and a wings captain. Kinda wish there was a way to tra[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Judgement and its award system

Jan 25, 2015, 12:40 am I was really excited about Judgement and still is but i gotta say that the reward system sucks. It just aint worth playing and the simple reason for that is because you dont get any gold after complet[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Judgement and its award system

Jan 24, 2015, 2:03 pm I would highly suggest you grind AI till you get a better idea of how to play the game. 1 win in 5 hours just tells me that you need to practice with the base game before going into variations. Grindi[..] View

Support I'm getting an error after the judgement update

Jan 22, 2015, 3:21 pm So the game updates to 100%, starts unpacking, and then the window just goes away. I then try to launch the game again and I get the following error:data folder not found with the following details - [..] View

News and Announcements Re: Judgement Day!

Jan 22, 2015, 10:13 am you pick what scrolls you get from the 45 scrolls that you drafted<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href=";u=1965">Blinky</a> Today, 16:[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Cards which are stronger (or weaker) in Judgement

Jan 21, 2015, 10:08 am Low cost bombs, removal, draw, ramp, aoe are killing it for me right now.Deck has this kind of stuff:Energy Siphons, Dark Strikes, Soul Steals, Languids, Spark, Damning Curse, Kabonk (and State Machin[..] View

Support Not finding a Judgement match

Jan 21, 2015, 7:34 am Hey, don't know if already mentioned somewhere hereIn the last days, it happened at least twice times, that I queued for a judgement match - when I finally got one, I accepted but had to wait for othe[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: so how many of 1 card have you guys gotten in judgement?

Jan 21, 2015, 1:40 am Peachmachine wrote:Go cry somewhere else and play constructed instead.This is a fun thread!Dear Mr.Peachmachine,I dont like you.Signed,Senor Azrail<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href="http://www.scrollsg[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Judgement tips and tricks

Jan 17, 2015, 9:15 pm I thought itwould maybe be a good idea to help eachother out with some tips and tricks you guys use when drafting decks for judgement, since I see some people doing really bad without knowing why.The [..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Rating Scrolls for Judgement

Jan 15, 2015, 9:25 pm Badyuyu wrote:siRisacc wrote:Order in General (hue hue hue), will be tough to do in this format due it their harsh need for combos.You obviously did not see Atmaz Order draft. 2nd draft and he pulled [..] View

Support Re: Scrolls missing in deck in judgement mode

Jan 14, 2015, 1:21 pm Same... 2 times with one deck.<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href=";u=4440">Redgarex</a> Today, 13:51</p>[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Thank you for the judgement format

Jan 13, 2015, 8:55 am Just upgraded to the patch paid my gold and drafted my first of what will be many judgement decks. Even got a game in after and had a blast. This will keep me playing first deck is a goofy decay order[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: A seperate Ranking System for Judgement would be awesome

Jan 11, 2015, 9:22 am So when I have won 3 games in a row. Do I get matched up against someone that has won 3 games in a row? Sounds fair for the new players. But i'd rather play draft for the fun than competition.I do lik[..] View

Support Re: I'm getting an error after the judgement update

Jan 11, 2015, 12:45 am I had the same issue after install, the advice by newcomer worked. Locate the scrolls folder, locate the zip file, this may be a .rar file not a .zip.For me is called game and its a winrar zip archive[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Rating Scrolls for Judgement

Jan 8, 2015, 6:45 pm Hello,I have put together a list of all the scrolls in the game and assigned a rating for how good I believe they will be for the new format.Hopefully, this helps people as they prepare for the upcomi[..] View

Support Scrolls missing in deck in judgement mode

Jan 8, 2015, 7:33 am I just had a game of judgement mode.It was match-6876453,my account name was 9357 and Griskokarn was my opponent.Throughout the whole game I can only draw copper auto,gun auto,burn and state machine e[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: What is "judgement"?

Dec 29, 2014, 4:13 am It is going to be a draft like game where you construct a deck out of cards you select out of a set of randomly generated cards( so you will not use your own), you than construct a deck of the cards y[..] View

Scrolls Discussion What is "judgement"?

Dec 28, 2014, 11:44 am I keep hearing about &#34;judgement matches&#34; and things? What is this? How is this different from ranked matches?<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href="[..] View

Support Re: Rage disconnect in Judgement.

Dec 26, 2014, 7:29 pm Probably the best advice to deal with people disconnecting on purpose in matches is to suck it up and deal with it.That's probably not what anyone likes to hear or wants to hear but you're not going t[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Judgement Why???????

Dec 24, 2014, 10:25 pm Monjang pls fix <img src="" alt=":x" title="Mad" /> <a target="_blank" href=""></a>*couldn[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Judgement just plain bad?

Dec 22, 2014, 9:29 am Came back to scrolls after not really playing it since summer. Tried out a couple of Judgement runs but after 4 - 5 of them I am really disappointed. It feels too random most of the time. And with ran[..] View

Scrolls Discussion Re: Judgement just plain bad?

Dec 11, 2014, 5:57 am davidslain wrote:Considering Judgement decks are only supposed to be 30ish cards, if you see no good scrolls in that span of draw, you're doing something terribly terribly wrong.Sometimes I see them, [..] View

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